Monday, July 20, 2009

The Dog's Dilemma

So Josh, before reading on, take a couple of minutes just to watch this video. Check it's pretty entertaining!

All done? Good.

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs" (Jonah 2:8)

"Those who cling..." - Those who hold on tight with both hands (as if to a lifeline)
" worthless idols..." - Mark Driscoll says that an idol is "a good thing that we turn into a god-thing which is a bad thing". Is there anything that you're clinging to which is substituting God's role in your life (as Saviour, Lord, Master, Friend, Lover, Creator...)? Remember, an idol isn't necessarily a sin - it could be something good and noble and great...but if it's squeezing God out of your life...get rid of it!!
"...forfeit the grace that could be theirs..." - Holding on to something with both hands, clinging
to something means that you are not in a position to receive anything else (here, God's grace). Your hands are full! If you're holding mud in your fists, how can you eat a cookie? If you've got a bone in your mouth, how can you eat the ground beef? God's grace is always available, but if your grip is on your idols, how can you grasp God's grace? The answer - let go of the idol, and grasp hold of God's grace once again.

Jonah's response:
"But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the LORD."

You can read the whole scripture chapter here.

So, make a decision. Sacrifice your worthless idol(s) so you can grasp hold of God's immense and free grace with both your hands. Vow to God and stick to it, with His power. Don't forget - these idols can't save you - only God's grace can. Salvation comes from the Lord.

"The circumstances are:

You have meat.

And he’s pretty doggone sure you’ll give it to him…if he’ll just let go of the bone.

But you have to understand:

The meat is just a promise; and it may not be much, but he has the bone.

That’s the dog’s dilemma. You see his problem don’t you?"

Don't you?

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