Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Transformers or Transformation?

So Josh,
I was checking out a video blog by this guy called Brett Ullman (you can check out his website here). He was reviewing the movie Transformers 2. I've not seen it personally, but have had every intention of doing so. This video blog has given me pause for thought. I'd love to know, Josh, what your thoughts are on this video blog (and I'd love to know the thoughts of anyone else who reads my blog). To view the video, just click here. It's only 7 minutes long, and should get you thinking!
A couple of questions for you to think about and reply to (by hitting the comment button under this blog post).
1) Have you watched Transformers 2? Was Brett's insight the impression you got from the movie?
2) Do you agree with what Brett is saying? Why or why not?
3) Is he making a big deal out of nothing?
4) How far should we take this issue of holiness?
5) Are you and I influencing the world with love and purity, or is the world influencing us?

Let's get this discussion started...

Love you,

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