Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lessons from the Bubble Buddy (or how to survive exams)

So Josh,

Last week I picked up a Bubble Buddy from a yard sale for about 50 cents (that's about 25p). On Sunday afternoon, I spent sometime outside with Wendy and the girls - Enya loved the Bubble Buddy - you get so much more bubble-for-your-buck than the regular bubble-blowing wand.

The deal with the Bubble Buddy
You see, the deal with the Bubble Buddy is that you press the trigger, which lowers the wand into the little pool of bubble soap at the end of the gun. Then, after the wand is loaded up, you release the trigger, which flips the wand up and simultaneously makes a fan turn for a couple of seconds. Et voila! Bubbles! The thing is, though, is that the fan runs down after a couple of seconds and the bubble soap is all used up. So, you have to keep pressing and releasing the trigger, pressing and releasing the trigger, pressing and releasing the trigger so bubbles can keep being created. It takes a little bit of effort, but its the only way to keep producing bubbles. The bubble wand needs to be recharged and the fan needs to be restarted for bubbles to keep on being made.

I think you've already had your exams, but there are a bunch of teens here who are just going into exam week. So this is for them, as well as a reminder for you.

Lingering in the bubble soap
I don't know about you, but my tendency is, when things are getting tough, to get close to God, receive from Him (dip the wand in the bubble soap) and start blowing bubbles (living in the power of the Holy Spirit). What I often forget is that I cannot blow today's bubbles on yesterday's soap, using yesterday fan. I need to put some effort in every day to make sure that I'm lingering with God (just as the bubble wand needs to linger in the bubble soap) which gives the Holy Spirit the permission to blow through my life once again, gracing this world with the bubbles of His grace, His love, and His power.

The only sadder than a Bubble Buddy (created to make bubbles) without bubbles is a Christian (created to glorify God) without the power of the Holy Spirit. You've seen them. I've seen them. They are miserable, because they are denying who they have been created to be. They are trying to do Christian things without the life-giving power. The sad thing is, that it's way too easy for me to be that person. Too often I am.

So stop exhausting yourself trying to blow bubbles. I mean, when's the last time you just lingered with God? Spent time with Him? Prayed to Him? Listened to him? Stop trying to live life in your own power. You. Can't. Do. It. Instead spend some time with God and as you get up from this time, the Holy Spirit will be blowing, you will be recharged because you will remember, exams or no exams, that God is on the throne, that He has a purpose for Your life, that He died and rose again to give you life and power in Him (click here for Romans 8:11). You will be blowing bubbles once again!

Don't forget the Bubble Buddy, buddy!
If you want to do something about this, why not take 5 minutes and visit Sacred Gateway. It's like a gateway into God's presence right at your computer screen. Alternately, check out this amazing song as you are renewed in God's presence. Don't forget, bubble blowing starts with dipping the wand in the bubble-soap.

Let's be forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air!

Love Dan

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